From the 1st of July 2020, MADEC Australia will deliver the new and enhanced National Harvest Labour Information Service (NHLIS).

The reformed national Harvest Trail Information Service will allow employers and job seekers to access greater benefits from the service.

As part of the reforms the Harvest Trail website has been revamped, so that job seekers (including Australians and visa holders) and employers can easily see what jobs and services are currently available.

A Harvest Guide will also be published and distributed in hard copy form to thousands of jobseekers, information centres and accommodation providers across the country twice per year.

This guide details where and when certain crops are grown across the country, when labour is needed to either pick and pack crops, and when other farm work such as pruning is undertaken.

The third element of the Harvest Trail Information Service is a national contact and communications centre, which operates from 8am to 11pm Monday to Friday (excluding national public holidays). Trained operators can help employers list vacancies on the Harvest Trail website, and can help jobseekers know where vacancies exist and what the work involves.

These staff will provide valuable advice to travellers, particularly when adverse weather conditions or natural disasters occur, saving people much time and effort in their search for work and keeping them safe.

The contact number is 1800 062 332.

A facebook page also provides real time information on vacancies and other relevant happenings within the horticulture industry.

More than ever the HTIS will play a crucial role in linking seasonal workers with horticulture vacancies across the country.

With growers having suffered in recent times, a no-cost service available to help them find required labour when needed is considered vital.

Growers and labour hire contractors are strongly encouraged to contact the call centre to list vacancies if they are having difficulty recruiting.

The HTIS Call Centre will fill most unskilled jobs within a matter of hours or days, depending on the location of the work. More remote areas and more skilled positions may take a little longer.

Call 1800 062 332 or email to register vacancies, or to discuss upcoming labour needs and the options available.

More information is available at: